Sounds Great “Jin Yong Series”


The Romance of the Condor Heroes (Book 1): Heart-Manual of the Jade Maiden

Storyteller : Chip Tsao (陶傑)
Louis Koo (古天樂) as Yang Guo (楊過)
Carmen Lee (李若彤) as Xiao Longnu (小龍女)
Gardner Tse (謝君豪) as Guo Jing (郭靖)
Cecilia Wong (黃杏秀) as Huang Rong(黃蓉)
Natalis Chan (陳百祥) as Ouyang Feng (歐陽鋒)
Chow Chi-fai (周志輝) as Ke Zhen’e (柯鎮惡)
Tang Kit Lai(鄧潔麗) as Li Mochou (李莫愁)
Benny Lau Wai-hang(劉偉恆) as Yin Zhiping (尹志平)
Lee Ka Fai(李家輝) as Zhao Zhijing(趙志敬)

In late Song Dynasty, Yang Guo was an orphan and adopted by Guo Jing and Huang Rong. Yang Guo gone through all sorts of hardships when he was trained at Quanzhen Martial Arts School. He then escaped to the Tomb of Living Dead and met Xiao Longnu, he became Xiao Longnu’s follower and they fell in love with each other……