

The Poet

In the long history of China, the footprint of Poets can be found amid battlefield, natural wonders, as well as small villages. They played an indispensable role in recording the history and expressing their opinions and feelings through meticulous words and lines. Many of Li Bai(李白)’s poems are known by the folk for its romanticism, Tao Yuanming(陶淵明)’s integrity and yearning for a simple life can be seen from many of his works. What’ s more, we learn the social chaos and people’ s hardship from “Poet-Historian”, Du Fu(杜甫). Let’s take a look at how the eight poets of this book contributed to the Chinese cultural treasures.

Storyteller: Fung Chi Fung 馮志豐

• 愛國詩人 屈原 Qu Yuan
Joe Junior as Qu Yuan屈 原
Ronald Chiu Ying Chun趙應春 as Fisherman漁 父

• 才高八斗 曹 植 Cao Zhi
Phoebus Chan Chun Hin陳雋騫 as Cao Zhi曹 植
Timothy Wing Yik黃 翊 as Cai Pi曹 丕

• 田園詩人 陶淵明 Tao Yuanming
Alex Lee李志剛 as Tao Yuanming陶淵明
Leong Nai Kan梁禮勤 as Wife of Tao陶 妻
Ricky Fan Chun Fung范振鋒 as Official督 郵

• 天上摘仙人 李白 Li Bai
Ronald Chiu Ying Chun趙應春 as Li Bai李 白
Barry Ip Man Fai葉文輝 as Gao Lishi高力士
Edmond Kwok Wai Ho郭偉豪 as Emperor Xuanzong Of Tang唐玄宗

• 絕代詩聖 杜 甫 Du Fu
Dennis Leung Ka Kuen梁家權 as Du Fu杜 甫
Chan Sum Yee陳心怡 as Neighbor of Du鄰 居

• 大唐詩佛 王 維 Wang Wei
Ricky Wong Wai Kay王維基 as Wang Wei王 維
Ivan Yau Man Wah邱文華 as Prince of Ning寧 王
Leong Nai Kan梁禮勤 as Princess王 妃

• 曠世大文豪 蘇東坡 Su Dongpo
Timothy Wong Yik黃 翊 as Su Dongpo蘇東坡
Ricky Fan Chun Fung范振鋒 as Qin Shaoyou秦少遊

• 千古第一才女 李清照 Li Qingzhao
Elena Kong May Yee江美儀 as Li Qingzhao李清照
Ivan Yau Man Wah邱文華 as Zhao Mingcheng趙明誠